Namibia's agricultural sector plays a vital role in the livelihoods of the majority of its population, both directly and indirectly. However, the contribution of agriculture (excluding fishing) to the country's GDP is relatively low, at under 5%. Livestock farming accounts for about two-thirds of agricultural production, while crop farming and forestry make up the remaining third.
Despite the constraints posed by the arid climate and the relatively small contribution of agriculture to the GDP, Namibia is exploring strategies to develop a more sustainable and prosperous agricultural industry. Emphasizing climate-smart farming practices and promoting domestic market share are some of the measures being implemented to enhance the sector's potential and improve the livelihoods of those dependent on it.

“Our country has enormous potential, not only to feed itself and eliminate hunger and food insecurity, but to also be a major player in global food markets. This potential lies in its land, water and oceans, in its men and women, in its knowledge and global market”
Hon. Calle Schlettwein, Minister of Agriculture
Windhoek, February 2023